Shortcode Based Responsive Pricing Table Builder


Responsive Pricing Table Builder is a Joomla Plugin to help you create and design Pricing Table easily. Showcase your Pricing Plans with core features easily and dynamically

This plugin is specially developed for those who want to showcase their products or service offers while listing core features associated with eachpricingplan and subscription period. It has very easy and dynamic back end to customize your module outlook.

Shortcode:Just put{pricingtable}into your page where you want to showPricingTable. Make sure you type in the shortcode in toggle editor mode.

Flexible Plans

Control how many tables to show and option to choose Featured / Highlighted Plans

Redirect Client to custom Purchase Link for each Plan


Mobile Device Compatible and Fluid for all Plan Size

Choose Currency

You can choose currency as your want. We have five diffrent currency as in USD $, EUR €, GBP £, JPY ¥, Cent ¢.

Easy Shortcode

Just put


on any page to show

Set Period

Comes with 4 periods option for each Plan: Monthly, Yearly, One Time or Flat

Light Weight

The plugin is very light weight and thus fast to load without compromising site speed

Custom Color

You can change the table container background color, subscription label color and the button color according to your site’s theme color.

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