Relevant & Useful Content Poll (V1.0)


Display Feedback options/poll in the bottom of article to get Feedback for the content/article.

A amazing plugin that allows you to display feedback options/poll at the bottom of Joomla article/content. Four different types of layout/themes are available to display.You can see also the count of how many people liked and disliked the article.

Product Page:

FeedBack Button

You can get user's feedback on your articles

Feedback Count

Feedback will be counted. you can also display that 

Simple Configuration

Back end configuration is very light and simple

4-Custom Layout

You can have 4 custom themes with different and eye-catching layout .

Customizable Styles

Styles of all themes are customizable

Style Match With Template

Full control to style-match with your Joomla site. Control for content font size